Today something awful happened. I was at tennis practice running the normal warm-up lap with the rest of the girls. Naturally we were talking as we ran. Right as our salvation was near I opened my mouth to reply to a friend and then. . . .a bug flew into my mouth and down my throat. It was the most disgusting moment of my life. I started screaming and squealing at the same time in vain attempts to get it out. Everybody started laughing but some were thoroughly horrified. It tasted a little bit like chicken but im not quite sure. It all happened so fast. Then everytime I missed a ball I blamed it on the bug. Im pretty sure that lil tike was just as uncomfortable as I was. It makes for a great story but if I had the option to do it again I wouldnt. If im going to eat a bug its going to be cause its MY choice. Not cause im too social and opened my mouth to talk and one flew in.
Moral of the day: Dont talk while running, or leave your mouth open like a dog. Its hazardous.

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