It has been 3 months and thank goodness my leg doesn't look like this anymore!

Bishop had to do a little operation in my kitchen sink because it was so infected. He took off that off completely in one peel. It was GROSS!!! and it hurt. Luckily he had numbed my entire leg so I didn't feel anything but the very thought of what was happening made me think that I could feel what was going on. 

Did I mention this was during a FIRESIDE?? Note the intensity/interest of everyone as they watch him peel off the dead skin. Also note how I refused to look.

Yes he is using a toothbrush to do the job.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. . .except me. They all had their phones out and were video-ing it and taking LOTS of pictures.

Everyone thought it was quite entertaining for some reason.

No I did NOT start crying although if there hadn't been numbing spray I would have

The final product. Those bandages alone are another story all unto itself! Those bandages are the reasons I have scars.

Why is everyone so happy about my pain??

After the operation the boys wanted to know what the "real deal" was with my leg and what was causing the infection. They seemed to understand what was being said, but all I heard was a lot of big words I could never pronounce.

I just sat and wallowed in my misery.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

oh my goodness!!

#1--Gross leg--glad it's getting better.
#2--What did you do??
#3--This makes me miss Nipomo.
#4--There's nothing Bro...Bishop Merrill can't do. He once showed Ashley & I how to light a flare from the emergency kit in her car. He's better than MacGuyver with that toothbrush.