Roadtrip to Utah
It's a long stinkin 14 hours for us
In a truck
It isn't the most comfortable
But it's fun

Dad forgot his sunglasses and got to wear my blingin ones :)
He looked good hehe

Me and my kingdom

My fave
Chocolate Banana
What else would I have??

 Kirs with her GIANT onion ring
(excuse the sideways pic)

Too much SNOW!

Monte vacuuming off the dust from his suit
Quite entertaining

The burial
Over 700 people at the program and round 200 at the burial
Then the closest of family got to go to the lunchen
Thats only 120 people
Hey we have a big family

Cousin Dan

"Hey look. I'm a Walrus!"

Uncles place of work

Carmel and normal

My first experience with a Supercenter Walmart
Quite magical

Cousin Kylie and Husband Dallas
Always matching never fear

Lil Cole

Dallas, Kylie, Maddie, Cali, Cole, and Jen

Uncle Kim, Uncle Brian and Aunt Sally

Cousin Robbie, Cousin Dan, and M-Dog

Kirs and Cousin Jamie

Mom, Dad, Aunt Mel and Monte

Gramps, Grams, and Cousin Jake

Cousin Rachel and Aunt Wendy

The Fun table!
Scott, Me, Tara, and Kirs

Me and Cali
Were good friends
She has every princess costume known to mankind!
We spy on people together
We play "princess ariel" which consists of throwing her Ariel doll back and forth
I think I like her

The 5th or so Walmart run in the last 24 hours
This time for family matching clothing

While in line this guy infront of has had great hair

And his friend had weird shoes!
Fun to laugh at though

My familys so cool we even like to match!
From left to right, top to bottom
Grams, M-Dog, Mum, Kirs, Me, Tara, Scott
Rachel, and Mel
Scott didn't want to wear his so he only wore them for the pic after which he promptly took them off
I dunno if he can join the fam if he won't participate in family Sweat Suits

Funny faces

Cousin fun

Classic jumping

Me and Grams

Dad wearing my new hat :)

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