Monster Drinkers

When Monster drinks and the like first came out me and my siblings had a very sound talking to from my dad about them. He says they are gateway drugs and that under no circumstances is it ok for us to drink them. He associates them with the kids who sell drugs behind Vons. You know kind. The ones where their parents didn't buy them a belt to keep their pants up. The ones that zip around on skateboards or bikes. The kind the cops always seem to talking to and keeping tabs on. Whenever dad sees someone walking on the side of the street with the above description he always says to whoever is in the car "Monster drinker". One of my favorite times he did this is when we were walking by a dark ally on our way to SLO Farmers, there were some kids hanging out in the dark and he looked straight at them and said "Monster drinkers", and kept walking. Needless to say it was the best moment of my life. Me, Matt, and Mika burst out laughing I thought we would explode. Dad didn't get what was so funny. But it was too funny to forget about.

Naturally when I saw this picture in the AGHS parking lot I immediately snapped a shot and sent it to my dad. He responded by saying "Where can I get one?" It was great.

Then for Christmas I made my mom get him an HitMan Monster drink. He opened it and didn't know what to do with it. Once he realized what it was he couldn't stop laughing. Then he immediately wanted to throw it away but we made him keep it. :) It sits in his closet staring him down everyday. :)

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