10 Little Known Facts about Leena Lou

Kindly written by Kirsi, today's guest blogger.

1) She is going to see Justin Bieber in July. Its gonna be super fun.

2) She doesn't say the "g" sound on the end of words. For example, "Dang it" becomes "dane it" and "going" becomes "go-een." But its endearing. I love her for it.

3) Alot of the times, more of her outfit comes from my side of the closet than hers.

4) She is learning to play the harp.

5) She recently cut about 6 inches off her hair. And its adorable. Like THIS-. But she has been to busy with school to post a picture.

6) She warms up her cold feet on my legs at night. And they're freezing!

7) She has more jewelry than anyone I have ever met.

8) She has a slight obsession with a BCBG sweat outfit. It looks like THIS. She wears it everyday with a different shirt. Today she freaked out because there was a small hole in the pants :)

9) She has Invisalign and when she takes them out to eat, she says "I need to take my teeth out." Which is funny, because she isn't really taking her teeth out.

10) She definately loves Pinkberry with me and knows all the workers there.

Happy homework to the best sister ever, and I'd be happy to guest blog anytime you are busy!

P.S. Check out my much more entertaining blog HERE!

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