My apologies!!!! This post contains my favorite youtube videos; however, I had never completely seen the "Violent Video Games & Post-Apocalyptic Futures for the WTF Generation" video, only the first half. I saw the WHOLE video yesterday and discovered that there is MUCH language in it. I am so SORRY! If I had known that it was like that I wouldn't have posted it.
Moral of the Day: Watch the ENTIRE video before it gets posted.
Kirsi just heard me playing the Anne clip from a couple posts ago and withing literally two seconds perked up her ears and in a frantic voice said "ANNE! Where is it coming from??" ( while looking around the room) and now for my favorite part she said "I call Gilbert Blythe!" I have no idea why she said that, but I just started laughing so hard. It was too funny.
But she has a point. Who CAN resist Gil??
Equalizer shirts are legit. Everyone has one but me. This kinda makes me sad, but not really because I just wears my friends cause they are nice like that. One night I may or may not have worn 3 different ones. And yes the owners of the shirts were all boys. . . .
You might be asking "But what IS an equalizer shirt??" Well allow me to explain. An equalizer shirt is a shirt that is battery operated and the lights move up and down to the beat of the music. Nothing could be more legit.
P.S. Santa *WINK WINK*
P.S. Santa *WINK WINK*
Kirsi made a BANNER that says "GIVE THANKS" and it is hanging over the mantel. It is super oober cute! I am thankful to be with my family and to be able to celebrate such a food-filled holiday :) No worries. I've got my elastic-band pants all ready for the situation. My family will have to roll me off the chair because I will be so stuffed with turkey. :) Boo-Ya
P.S. What are you thankful for?
I would like to add to my previous post's moral of the day. Kirsi is the other person in my family where TV was educational. She was able to know the correct answer on a test all because my mother let her watch Pocahontas to the point where she knew every song word for word. The question was "What were the 3 "G's" that England sailed to America for?" Well if you watch Pocahontas then you know the answer. For those of you who don't know the answer is "Glory, God, and Gold". It is sung within the first 10 seconds of this clip. Don't believe me? Well then I guess you are going to have to watch it and see/hear for yourself.
If this causes an uproar within your family. . . .well I'm sorry BUT it's true.
If this causes an uproar within your family. . . .well I'm sorry BUT it's true.
SOOOO I've been writing a 6 page research paper on a poem. When I was presented with the prompt and told I could choose any poem off of a list of 200 poems I though "OK easy enough. There's got to be a couple that I could recognize.". . . . . . .There was only one. And the ONLY reason I recognized it was because of my childhood TV watching. From Anne of Green Gables to be more specific. If you are a faithful Anne watcher can you guess what poem I chose/only one I recognized?? It's from this part of the movie.
Yes I choose the Lady of Shalott. Please help. Seriously its a research paper on a POEM! There's nothing more cruel than that.
Moral of the day: Parents let your children watch as much TV as they can while they are young. This will prove to be educational later in life. Trust me. I am not the only one in my family where this has paid off.
Yes I choose the Lady of Shalott. Please help. Seriously its a research paper on a POEM! There's nothing more cruel than that.
Moral of the day: Parents let your children watch as much TV as they can while they are young. This will prove to be educational later in life. Trust me. I am not the only one in my family where this has paid off.
It has been 3 months and thank goodness my leg doesn't look like this anymore!
Did I mention this was during a FIRESIDE?? Note the intensity/interest of everyone as they watch him peel off the dead skin. Also note how I refused to look.
Yes he is using a toothbrush to do the job.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. . .except me. They all had their phones out and were video-ing it and taking LOTS of pictures.
Everyone thought it was quite entertaining for some reason.
No I did NOT start crying although if there hadn't been numbing spray I would have
The final product. Those bandages alone are another story all unto itself! Those bandages are the reasons I have scars.
Why is everyone so happy about my pain??
Bishop had to do a little operation in my kitchen sink because it was so infected. He took off that off completely in one peel. It was GROSS!!! and it hurt. Luckily he had numbed my entire leg so I didn't feel anything but the very thought of what was happening made me think that I could feel what was going on.
Did I mention this was during a FIRESIDE?? Note the intensity/interest of everyone as they watch him peel off the dead skin. Also note how I refused to look.
Yes he is using a toothbrush to do the job.
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. . .except me. They all had their phones out and were video-ing it and taking LOTS of pictures.
Everyone thought it was quite entertaining for some reason.
No I did NOT start crying although if there hadn't been numbing spray I would have
The final product. Those bandages alone are another story all unto itself! Those bandages are the reasons I have scars.
Why is everyone so happy about my pain??
After the operation the boys wanted to know what the "real deal" was with my leg and what was causing the infection. They seemed to understand what was being said, but all I heard was a lot of big words I could never pronounce.
I just sat and wallowed in my misery.
Kirsi just turned on "End of May" for me. When I asked her to turn it up she said
K: I don't like loud music. . . . . . .unless its "Party in the USA"
to which I rolled my eyes
K: Ya I just wanted to see your response. . . . . . . but hey it IS a catchy song.
to which I responded that I would have to blog about that moment and she said
K: Anything to get you to blog *bow* my pleasure
Sometimes I think the stork dropped her off at the wrong doorstep.
K: I don't like loud music. . . . . . .unless its "Party in the USA"
to which I rolled my eyes
K: Ya I just wanted to see your response. . . . . . . but hey it IS a catchy song.
to which I responded that I would have to blog about that moment and she said
K: Anything to get you to blog *bow* my pleasure
Sometimes I think the stork dropped her off at the wrong doorstep.
It is OFFICIALLY Christmas time in the Kilpelainen household. We have broken out the Christmas music, fires every night, and more importantly the Christmas spirit. We are holding out on the tree and decorations just to spare ourselves the ridicule from others, but day after Thanksgiving the tree will be up ready for me to decorate. Bring it on.
If you need to find me on the 18th of this month don't try calling me at home. That's right. Yet again the time has come to festively dress up, be super nerdy, not get any sleep, and wait in line outside the movie theater to see the midnight showing of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. Get your house scarves and Harry scars ready (mine will be sparkly) and prepare for another long day that will be so worth it. I can't wait.
P.S. Bellatrix is my favorite. I'll be rootin' for her.
P.S. Bellatrix is my favorite. I'll be rootin' for her.
Kirsi currently has colored hair extensions in her hair. I am extremely jealous of them! They are super cute. Well today at church Ellie and Emily came to sit with us (cause lets face it, we are SUPER entertaining) Well when Ellie saw Kirsi's colored hair she said rather loudly "Your NOT allowed to have colored hair on Sunday!" I was laughing so hard. Only a 3 year old would say that :)
The other week I fulfilled something off my bucket list. I went paintballing. It was the most fun I have ever had. I was going to a dance later on that night so my hope was that I would look like this. . .
Cause that way I would have something to talk about during slow songs. Unfortunately I was really good at the game and only got hit twice. Which I actually consider an accomplishment. Not only did I only get hit three times but I did not get a single welt, bruise, or goose egg. I was so mad. Next time I plan on charging down the center of the battle field so I can have some battle wounds. :)
Cause that way I would have something to talk about during slow songs. Unfortunately I was really good at the game and only got hit twice. Which I actually consider an accomplishment. Not only did I only get hit three times but I did not get a single welt, bruise, or goose egg. I was so mad. Next time I plan on charging down the center of the battle field so I can have some battle wounds. :)
Be Prepared
For my Dad's birthday I took him to his favorite place within 20 minutes. Thrifty's Ice Cream. He always gets a pint and he taught me well cause I get nothing less than that. He gets black cherry, but I don't like that nasty stuff. Every time we go he always complains about the "flimsy spoons" that they give us. "Cant they give us something that won't fling ice cream all over everyone?" So when I took him for his birthday he went prepared. When we left and he was about to take a bite of ice cream with his flimsy spoon his eyes got all big and he put his hand out of his pocket and brought out a metal spoon from home. This time he came prepared. I just laughed. It was one of the funniest moments of my week.
Today something awful happened. I was at tennis practice running the normal warm-up lap with the rest of the girls. Naturally we were talking as we ran. Right as our salvation was near I opened my mouth to reply to a friend and then. . . .a bug flew into my mouth and down my throat. It was the most disgusting moment of my life. I started screaming and squealing at the same time in vain attempts to get it out. Everybody started laughing but some were thoroughly horrified. It tasted a little bit like chicken but im not quite sure. It all happened so fast. Then everytime I missed a ball I blamed it on the bug. Im pretty sure that lil tike was just as uncomfortable as I was. It makes for a great story but if I had the option to do it again I wouldnt. If im going to eat a bug its going to be cause its MY choice. Not cause im too social and opened my mouth to talk and one flew in.
Moral of the day: Dont talk while running, or leave your mouth open like a dog. Its hazardous.
Moral of the day: Dont talk while running, or leave your mouth open like a dog. Its hazardous.
Within the last half hour I have listened to this song for approximately a bajillion times! I'm in love with it and MB makes me so happy. Kirsi and I are plotting - I mean planning. . . . to go see him in Anaheim this coming December. Seeing him in concert would COMPLETE my life. His music makes me happy. :)
One of the greatest joys the Internet offers me is a website call PEOPLEOFWALMART.COM. If I have not already directed you in that direction or you have not already seen this site I strongly urge you take a peak whenever you desire a good laugh. My dear friend Diana and I laugh till we cry when were really supposed to be doing our homework. . .
WARNING: Viewer discretion advised. Some images may not be suitable for children of a young age.
WARNING: Viewer discretion advised. Some images may not be suitable for children of a young age.
I am an awful blogger. However I would like to thank my always faithful 5 followers for being patient and understanding of my crazy busy life. :) As a special treat I would like to direct you attention to THIS site and look upon what my brother and his wife (whoever she may be) will look like in 60 years. My jaw dropped when I saw that beauty. Its such a stunning likeness of what Matt says he will look like when he is 80. I cant wait to see the real deal. :)
Most every summer Kirsi, Kelsey and I have a day of water ballet. We have lots and lots of fun putting together a little sketch. I'm the lucky person who gets to delicately come up between the others and gracefully spray water up in the air. Im a natural at it. As good as we are were missing something. And I've finally figured out what were missing.
These bad boys. We need some real bad. They would be the icing on the cake.
There are lots of things im ok with.
Im ok with Matt playing the piano till 2am (even though I complain about it and I'll keep complaining about it cause it's fun)
Im ok that my terrifying yoga teacher looks and acts like a gypsy from eastern Europe in 1658
Im ok with the fact that I can't say "ing" correctly
Im ok I drive a 1991 Buik Swagger Wagon that is desperately trying to be a woody
Im ok that the prisoners of the Philippines know the Michael Jackson "This Is It" dance (YouTube it)
Im ok that 3 weeks ago my leg looked like scrambled eggs with bacon
Im ok that Im the ONLY one in my familia who doesn't have to wear glasses even though Im the only one who actually wants to
Im ok with the fact that Matt and Jon are singing right now which means I can't watch T.V.
Im ok that my ankles crack when I walk
Im ok with the fact that the world is prejudice against Princess Jasmine
However I am NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ok with people who dress up their dogs!
Im ok with Matt playing the piano till 2am (even though I complain about it and I'll keep complaining about it cause it's fun)
Im ok that my terrifying yoga teacher looks and acts like a gypsy from eastern Europe in 1658
Im ok with the fact that I can't say "ing" correctly
Im ok I drive a 1991 Buik Swagger Wagon that is desperately trying to be a woody
Im ok that the prisoners of the Philippines know the Michael Jackson "This Is It" dance (YouTube it)
Im ok that 3 weeks ago my leg looked like scrambled eggs with bacon
Im ok that Im the ONLY one in my familia who doesn't have to wear glasses even though Im the only one who actually wants to
Im ok with the fact that Matt and Jon are singing right now which means I can't watch T.V.
Im ok that my ankles crack when I walk
Im ok with the fact that the world is prejudice against Princess Jasmine
However I am NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ok with people who dress up their dogs!
People this is NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!!
If you are one of these people I am sorry don't take offense but at the same time. . . take offense.
Matts friend Jon
Jon has a pair of shorts from J. Crew with dogs on them.
Now Matt wants a pair similar to them.
He wants these gems with whales on them.
I honestly don't know if I can walk beside, behind, in front of, within a 50 ft radius of my brother is he decides to sport these. Then again I might really like them. :)
(This is Jon)
Has influenced Matt. For the worst. . . Jon has a pair of shorts from J. Crew with dogs on them.
Now Matt wants a pair similar to them.
He wants these gems with whales on them.
I honestly don't know if I can walk beside, behind, in front of, within a 50 ft radius of my brother is he decides to sport these. Then again I might really like them. :)
My Top YouTube Videos
In no particular order these are my favorite videos :)
Dad Life
Sir Ian McKellen on Acting
Charlie bit my finger
And for so many reasons
Nick Pitera A Whole New World
Violent Video Games & Post-Apocalyptic Futures for the WTF Generation
Dad Life
Sir Ian McKellen on Acting
Charlie bit my finger
And for so many reasons
Nick Pitera A Whole New World
Violent Video Games & Post-Apocalyptic Futures for the WTF Generation
One day im going to live here.
The castle is located in South West Scotland, South of Glasgow.The land was given to Sir Alan Cathcart by King Robert I (more commonly known as Robert the Bruce) in 1307. The castle was not built unto 1586 by John Cathcart. A stewards quarters were later built and now the entire castle has a great hall, 2 reception rooms, 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and a library. It has stunning gardens, grounds and a courtyard house with 3 bedrooms. A bridge cottage with 4 bedrooms is also located on the property. The Girvan river meanders through estate. The property comes with fishing rights.
The castle is located in South West Scotland, South of Glasgow.The land was given to Sir Alan Cathcart by King Robert I (more commonly known as Robert the Bruce) in 1307. The castle was not built unto 1586 by John Cathcart. A stewards quarters were later built and now the entire castle has a great hall, 2 reception rooms, 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and a library. It has stunning gardens, grounds and a courtyard house with 3 bedrooms. A bridge cottage with 4 bedrooms is also located on the property. The Girvan river meanders through estate. The property comes with fishing rights.
Mac and I have a scheme to own this property. :)
I love Princess Jasmine whom I affectionately call "PJ".
She watches over and protects me while I sleep and every once in a while -ok maybe once a week- I have to have a dose of the movie.
No trip to Dland is complete without seeing her.
I may or may not have every item Dland offers with her face on it.
I only use coloring books with her in them.
But thats as far as my delight in her goes. . . .until the other day when I put this picture as my FB profile picture. :) It was just too much to resist.
She watches over and protects me while I sleep and every once in a while -ok maybe once a week- I have to have a dose of the movie.
No trip to Dland is complete without seeing her.
I may or may not have every item Dland offers with her face on it.
I only use coloring books with her in them.
But thats as far as my delight in her goes. . . .until the other day when I put this picture as my FB profile picture. :) It was just too much to resist.
My EFY counselor Beckster was beautiful. She also looked like the spitting image of what Princess Odette would look like in her non cartoon state. Some don't see this Doppler ganger but I along with a privileged few see this as her true identity.
**NOTE** this is the only picture I have of Beckster where she isn't completely goofing off.
See imagine Beckster with those swoopy bangs, long luscious hair, purple/blue eyes, and a graceful elegance about her. She totally is Princess Odette.
Toe hair is quite possibly the most disgusting hair on the human body. Actually it is. Why did our creator have to place hair there??? Because then when people wear sandals you have this unfortunate sight to look upon.
Or even worse you might run into a hobbit in hiding!
Come on now NO ONE wants to look at this. If you have toe hair then please carefully trim, hide, or properly dispose of this unpleasant sight if you are going to wear shoes that would in fact show off this gag reflex starter. No wants wants to know you threw up because you saw their toe hair.
This woman (at least I HOPE its a woman with painted toe nails) obviously knows that her feet need to be kept clean so as not to revolt passing onlookers.
Concert Week Goodness
Last Friday Kirsnix and I went to go see Little Big Town at the SB County Fair. While I did not know any of the music it was WONDERFUL! They were so good and entertaining and I fell in love with Kimberly schlapman's hair! It's so big and full of life!
I've decided I really want it but don't want to look like a perm gone wrong like was displayed in the 80s oh so many times.
On Saturday the whole fam went to go see the Beach Boys who were excellent.
I've decided I really want it but don't want to look like a perm gone wrong like was displayed in the 80s oh so many times.
On Saturday the whole fam went to go see the Beach Boys who were excellent.
It was quite entertaining to see so many old people get drunk and then start swaying to the music. That just never gets old. I did have to go home and google what they looked like.............
And tomorrow im going to see JUSTIN BEIBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that lame or what that im more excited to see JB than I was for the BBs. Wow, thats PATHETIC! But he and Sean Kingston are going to be a smash. :)

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