I dont know if I have already stated my opinion about this but if I have then im just going to re-state it because that is how strong I feel about it. In my best efforts not to offend anyone im just going to say that I am not picking on anyone in particular; however, if you are guilty of this charge then I would like you to walk away from reading this post with a little bit of regret for your actions.

Ok here we go. First I will start by asking some questions.

- Are you a parent?

- Have you had your child/children blessed?

- If you are a male reading this AND performed the blessed did you hold your child up in a Simba like    manner??

What do I mean by "Simba like manner"? Simply this. Did you take your babe, wrapped in sunday best, and with both hand hold them up above chest level for the people in the pews to see?? If you have then I am afraid you are guilty of one of my top pet peeves. You have participated in what I like to call the "Simba" or more fondly called "Pride Rock".

I just don't understand. Is this an attempt to show the baby off so then people will not need to come up and bug you about seeing the baby? OR is it some old vu-doo that wards off evil? I just don't understand. I makes the person holding the baby Rafiki, and the baby Simba. If I had a dollar for every time I have seen this occur I would be a couple bucks richer. (Small ward, few young families, less baby blessings) Im deathly scared to ask if I am numbered among the Simbas.

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