Stop and Read

There are two stories I must tell.

Story Number 1

The other day Kirsi and I were talking about if we were going to get our PHD what we would get them in. After considerable thought Kirsi answered "I would get my PHD in Disneyland". True story. 

Story Number 2

On Sundays Mika gets extremely board because everyone takes naps but him because he doesn't like them. A while back Mika decided that he was going to make everyone in the room recite their favorite scripture. So naturally everyone whipped out the "Jesus wept", "Tis better to live the in the wilderness than with an angry and contentious woman" and all the scriptures of those sorts. When it was Mika's turn he started out "Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number 4 privet drive. . . ." Yes he started reciting Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. When we told him that was not acceptable he suddenly drew a blank as to a scripture. Best moment of my life :)

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