Fun, Fun, Fun. . .

How is one supposed to spent their Thanksgiving break?? Some would sleep. Others hang with friends. Me?? Oh well I have just spent the last 12 hours on the computer working on a project for my G-ma. This involves scanning family pictures. Allow me to repeat. 12 hours. Me on the computer. I've left the chair maybe 5 times. My mum fed me food down here in the office. I feel like I'm in prison. My brain is turning to mush! On the bright side I have caught up on some reading. I read a WHOLE blog. Post to post. I have watched the last 5 episodes of Saturday Night Live. My favorite being the one Taylor Swift hosted. Watched ALL of T-Swift's music video's. Facebook stalked all my friends. Watched EVERY SINGLE YouTube video available on Taylor Lautner. On top of many, MANY other things. G-ma I love you dearly and you also owe me dearly for this. :) I'm thinking those $1,300 shoes we were looking at the other day. :D

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