For Halloween this year I had a HUDE dilema! "Why?" you might ask. Oh well because I had my heart SET on being a ninja. Yeah-ya.

For an entire month I searched high and low wide and far (when I say wide and far I mean I even searched in Utah when I was there.) North, South, East, and West, but all my searching was in vain. No one had a ninja costume made to fit a 16 year old girl. Something about there not being a high demand from girls for this costume. To those people I say "WHAT ABOUT ME?????" Just as I was in the deapths of despair I found a Halloween shop in Solvang where the man said he had a "Ninja get-up" that would fit me. Alas! My searching had not been in vain! As I followed the kind man who held my happiness in his hands he abruptly turned to me and said
"Oh im sorry but I forgot that we actually just sold the last one that would fit you."
My spirits sank. I felt as though someone had cut me open, pulled my guts out, played with them, put them back, sewed me up, and then punched me. It was not pleasant. As my spirits were sinking my wise mother noted a humongeous pair of white fairy wings, and said to me
"Leena im going to buy these for you and your going to be some sort of a fairy ok?"
I agreed because the wings had sparkles all over them and were actually quite cute. But I said my mother was wise because she knows that sparkles make everything better, and indeed they did. Once home I went through the good ole dress-up box and found a fairy costume. It wasn't quite the ninja outfit I wanted but being Fawn from the new Tinkerbell movie was quite fun.

Although I kept having to explain to people what/who I was. Why am I the only person besides 3 year olds who has seen the Tinkerbell movie??

Me and Indian Amika.

Mika here is a whole nother story. 5 minutes before our wards trunk or treat Mika came barging into my room announcing "Ehh Leena im gunna go through the dress-up box and find a costume cause mom says I have to." Now his going through the dress-up box means it exploding all over my room. So my being a quick witted person said "Well Mika why dont you go as Pedro? Plus i'll draw a stache on you too. It'll be perfect." Thank goodness he agreed to it. The above picture being the resulting look. Incase you missed it/cant see it the shirt says "Vote for Pedro."

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